Thursday, July 3, 2008

Speak The Thai Language - Bangkok Would Be A Fun Trip

Singapore, Bangkok, Thailand, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Jakarta, Indonesia are all in the same part of the world. What a beautiful part of the world this is. A few years ago I taught business seminars in each of these countries. I stayed in beautiful 5 star hotels in each place. The people were very nice and since each place had been one of the English Colonies speaking to people was no problem. I taught each seminar in English and we were able to communicate and understand each other very well. Ever since then I have been tempted to get myself a Pimsleur Thai Course and learn the Thai language.

Recently I was reading an account on the internet of a person who had taken a 20 day trip on a bicycle. The trip started in Bangkok, went down (south) the Thailand peninsula through Malaysia and Kuala Lumpur the capital city and then on to the country of Singapore the largest ship container port in the world. He took pictures of this fabulous trip and made a journal telling about his time spent in the various places he visited.

What an adventure. What a great way to really see the country. It is a lot different than flying over the countries and not seeing anything but the air plane you are traveling on and the hotel you are staying in.

I remember reading an article in a Singapore newspaper about an old vintage train that had been restored by some investors and was being used as a tourist attraction. It traveled from the north border of Singapore up the peninsula through Malaysia into Bangkok, Thailand. I thought the trip sounded great.

Traveling is so fun. It expands our perspective of a new country. You get to appreciate what a beautiful world we live in and how many wonderful people and cultures there are. Plan a fun trip today, see new people, see new countries and expand your horizons.

See a list of discounted Pimsleur courses at Pimsleur Method

Pimsleur languages courses are a great way to learn on the go. Are you ready to really learn a new language? Try Pimsleur.

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