Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Broadband Internet Plans - Enough Options Available

It was not long ago, that the term internet made its entry into our daily life. The arrival of this technology really transformed the world of communication around us. Internet is a series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard internet protocol. Generally known as a "network of networks," it consists of millions of smaller, domestic, academic, business and government networks. The first TCP/IP-wide area network became operational in 1983. But it took another seven years for the commercial usage of the same. As per the latest statistics, there are 1.319 billion users of the net around the globe.

The emergence of internet as a strong medium of communication has taken the world miles ahead. The high speed technology has made the lives easier and comfortable. Gone are old days when we had to wait in long queues in front of post offices for receiving and sending mails. Sending and checking of mails or downloading the favourite tracks has become quite a regular feature. The restrictions over the usage of dial up connections no more exist. They are now replaced with broadband services. For those who stay at locations where DSL connectivity is not available, the broadband access often becomes the next logical option. The accessing of the net through broadband is ideal for taking up gaming challenges as well.

Browsing the net through broadband is possible from anyplace. For this purpose, the downloading or setting up of dedicated software is not compulsory. It just needs a simple cable or DSL modem with potential for accessing the World Wide Web. The installation procedure is trouble free and the costs of setting up are quite nominal. All these factors contribute to the growing popularity of these services. Until a couple of years, the broadband installation was an expensive affair. But now, with the changing scenario, it has become an affordable business. The process of "logging in" to this world wide network has a long list of merits, which in turn make it popular among the masses.

Internet - by offering a variety of services - has touched each and every strand of our lives. It acts as a mode of connectivity at every hour of the day. Be it shopping, entertainment or business, a world without the net is unimaginable. In the era of online shopping, when a large share of the business is done online, it is impossible even to think of a world without the same. Due to the extensive use of broadband, it becomes necessary to have reliable and fast connections. Broadband internet plans play the role of an alternative to the conventional dial up access where the data transfers are not fast. It provides reliable and dedicated high speed net connections that offer a higher data transmission rate.

The Broadband Internet plans make it possible for the users to download a host of files, videos, photographs and other bulky data at a faster rate and that too at affordable costs. It is efficient and effective. But proper care should be taken while selecting broadband internet plans. These plans arrive by offering a variety of offers including free surfing hours, low rates and broadband services. It could be selected as per the convenience and requirements of the users. With a lot of service providers available in the market, it becomes easy for the user to select the best plan available.

Raina Kelsey is an expert author, and writes about latest gadgets.
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3G EV-DO or How the Internet Got Its Wings!

The Internet, as most people know it, is history.

It just seems like yesterday the Internet was just one big mass of wires and cables; a glorified file sharing warehouse with more than a few too many lines sticking out. One enormous LAN party that just got out of hand, causing a ruckus and spilling out down the block and around the world; creating too many millionaires for no good reason and causing too many sleepless nights surfing the neon pink.

The Internet quietly crept into every facet of our lives... no subject or topic was left unexplored in this binary medium. Suddenly, there it was, the authority on everything. Our lives encyclopedia-ed to death by bits and bites.

But the Internet has always been perceived as a connected medium; tied together by cables, servers and networks. Until now that is, because now everything has changed. And it's about time, the Internet has been tied to the ground for far too long, it's time for liberation. Independence Day. Bring it on!

The Internet is going Wireless -- for real this time.

There were a few false starts; you can Bluetooth yourself silly, but you won't get much further than 30 feet or so. The BlackBerry is great but a little limiting. And Wi-Fi services have been around for a long while but those were not really convenient, if you have to find something; it's not convenient. Finding a 'hot spot' is the space age equivalent of finding a 'needle in a haystack'; takes way too much time.

What changes things, what has finally given the Internet its liberation?

Verizon Wireless 3G EV-DO (evolution-data optimized) and other companies offering similar services around the world. This new technology will change how we view and use the world wide web. Verizon Wireless began commercial operations in Oct. of 2003 and is now expanding to over 125 million US consumers by the end of 2005.

With download speeds of 400 to 700 kbps and bursts up to 2 Mbps, 3G has really given us wireless Internet this time. It has or will turn the Internet into a truly wireless system that's devoid of any cables or lines and really make it omnipotent. It will be everywhere. No space within our biosphere will be without the Internet very soon.

For now Verizon Wireless or 3G is mainly located in the USA but this will quickly change as other 3G companies and systems start up to fulfill the demand. Wi-Fi may play a role too but will it go the way of the 'Beta'?

However, this wireless universe could not be possible without one other key element. The one element that also helped give the Internet its wings. The answer might or might not surprise you. What really gave the Internet its groove? Can you guess? Give up?

Finally, we come to the last element of this brand new liberated Internet -- the little notebook computer. Don't underestimate the power of this great little revolutionary device, it is doing for the Internet what the cell phone did for the phone industry -- making it wireless, portable, and accessible anywhere.

It could even be argued that it was the little notebook computer that gave the Internet its freedom. Finally cutting the cable and freeing the web, once and for all.

Once we had a portable computer that we could tuck under our arm and take anywhere; we naturally wanted to take the Internet along with it. After all, a computer without the Internet is like having Mickey Mouse without Disneyland -- a real downer -- any kid can tell you that!

Once the notebook or laptop computer gained in popularity, the demand for a wireless Internet grew right along with it. The portability factor being a strong selling point for both the notebook and the Internet.

Likewise, in order to take full advantage of each of them; for business operations, for personal communications, for emailing, for web surfing... a wireless portable Internet was the obvious next step. They compliment each other perfectly and one is not completely whole without the other.

Technology has created this unholy trinity (the Internet, wireless connections and the notebook computer) to fulfill our need for a portable communication system that we can take and access anywhere. Until now, the Internet was limited, tied to cables and wires...it never really got off the ground!

But watch out; the cables are cut, the training wheels are off, the bells are starting to ring real fast and this child has found its groove.

Every time a notebook opens, the Internet gets its wings!

Copyright 2005 Titus Hoskins of BWMagic's Marketing Tools & Resources
This author's articles have appeared on such sites as 'Thetechzone.com',
'Promotionworld.com' and 'Addme.com'. Visit Notebook Reviews and Guide
to find out more about notebook computers. This article may be
freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.

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How To Put A DVD On An iPod Correctly

The freedom that the iPod has given us to view and listen to media anywhere at any time is of prime importance in today's incredibly fast and mobile society. However the world of media is not perfectly compatible yet and while CDs can be converted to Mp3s easily enough, how to put DVD on an iPod is not as simple.

The process of converting DVD movies to a format that can be used on an iPod is not installed within itunes of windows media player but must be done through third party software. This software can convert movies to the correct iPod format and will allow you to then copy it to your device for viewing.

To do this the conversion software must read the DVD through your DVD ROM and convert it to MPEG4 format which is what an iPod can read to display video and sound. Poor quality converters lose a lot of detail and sound quality however so you must be careful in which you choose to use as many are sub standard. You must also ensure that you set the resolution to 320 x 240 which is the native iPod or iphone resolution or it will not display correctly on your device.

If you setup your converter to these specifications you will usually end up with a MPEG4 file that is about 500 to 700 megabytes big that you can import to itunes and to your iPod and you can view it straight away!

For those of you worried that putting a DVD on an iPod is illegal this is not the case. As long as you are not distributing the movie by uploading it to the web or by selling it to others this is perfectly legal as you own the master copy of this disc. The companies that sell movies however do not want people doing this because they would rather you pay them more money to download new copies that are iPod friendly so you have to pay them more money. So go ahead and copy your DVDs and enjoy them on your iPod ... it is ok!

So if you want your movies on the go and do not want to fork over even more money to apple for another version you need a great DVD converter.

Click here to get the best and quickest converting software on the market with the ability to convert to numerous format types including MPEG4 of course!


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What Is Dialup? What Is Fibre Optic? What Is ISDN? What Is ADSL?

Dialup the slow but yet annoying connection speed some of us had to experience and some of us still do

Dialup is when a modem is used to connect to the wall socket via a cable using a 66-45 cable to connect to the internet.

You require an internal modem for this connection or an external modem, most PCs still come with internal modems and some businesss still use dialup connections for when users go home and use VPN to connect to the companys servers.

What is fibre optic?

This has also been known as the speed of light, up to the gigabytes. This fibre optic cable has a bundle of glass threads, which have the ability of sending messages modulated onto light wave.

Fibre optic cables have a much greater bandwidth than metal cables. They have less interference, are much thinner and lighter than metal wires. The data is transmitted digitally not analogically.

Fibre optic is very expensive to install as well as being fragile.

What is ISDN?

Meaning integrated services digital network, a standard to send video, voice and data over a digital telephone line. IDSN connection speeds are from 64Kbps

There are two types of ISDN are basic rate interface and primary rate interface.

Basic Rate: Has two B channels consisting of 6Kbps and one D channel for transmitting

Primary Rate: Has 23 B channels and a single D channel.

What is ADSL?

Meaning asymmetric digital subscriber line, this is the most common type of internet world wide in todays society. This allows more data to be sent across existing copper telephone lines.

ADSL requires a specific modem as now has the capability of wireless as well as Ethernet.

ADSL connection is from 1.5Mbps to 9 Mbps when receiving data. When sending data it can connection up to 16Kpbs to 640kbs


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