Saturday, July 12, 2008

Broadband - Going Underground, Broadband Through Sewers

You know what it's like, another day, another commute to work, another set of roadworks somewhere along the way. Chances are they're probably working on the telecoms cables beneath the surface.

However, the idea of running a fibre-optic network beneath the surface could soon come into practice.

Fibre-optic cables transmit data using light pulses down glass or plastic fibres - which are not prone to outside interference, and could therefore help deliver ultra-fast broadband across the UK.

Such cabling networks are already being implemented in Japan, but also in some cities - such as Paris - making use of vast sewer systems in order to deliver high-speed broadband connections through fibre-optic cabling to homes and businesses.

With a sewer network of over 360,000 miles existing in the UK, the idea of threading cables through underground pipes in order to help deliver high-speed broadband services may sound far-fetched, but it could soon become a reality.

A networking firm in Wales are currently in talks with several councils about the possibility of laying fibre-optic cables - which could potentially lead to faster broadband services becoming available, whilst eliminating the need to spend time and money digging up the roads.

Universities in Aberdeen, Bournemouth and Bath have been used to trial such methods of cabling on a small scale. However the firm have been negotiating with councils and water boards to try and strike a deal which could see fibre-optic cabling being laid over wider areas.

Cables would lie up to five metres below the surface, and as fibre optic cabling is believed to be less prone to erosion and rust, it could prove to be the next phase in delivering ultra-fast broadband connections across the UK.

With more of us running a speed test on our broadband connection - and becoming increasingly frustrated with the results we get back, could a new system of networking help to speed up the broadband infrastructure and give businesses and gamers alike the bandwidth they've been craving for what seems like years now?

Looking for better broadband? Perform a broadband speed test and compare broadband providers to find a deal that suits you.

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What Should I Look For When Switching Broadband Provider

The UK market for broadband is highly competitive with countless providers and an equal number of products making it very difficult to choose a broadband provider. What adds to confusion is the presence of localized service providers also vying for the broadband market pie alongside nationwide operators.

On an average, the top broadband providers package their services targeting specific needs of individual customers such as low downtimes, fast and reliable service etc. But there are critical issues you need to evaluate when switching providers, regardless of reasons.

The first thing you are going to mind is the downtime providers require to transfer and setup the service, which is important if your profession needs call for quicker switchover. When you are migrating from cable broadband to ADSL service, wherein things like new modem, micro filter, Ethernet connection take over a couple of days to install. Remember, very few providers make provisions to use your cable broadband parallel to ADSL without having to loose your work time while they set it up.

Mind you, all this will be possible only if you have a basic landline phone connection or a BT phone. Plan this ahead of switching your broadband provider if you're concerned about delays. Getting a BT basic phone and ADSL broadband connections will take around 10 days if you apply simultaneously. On the other hand, switching back to cable broadband provider takes around a week's time and you must have your license/connection canceled from your ADSL broadband provider. The only matter you need to check is that your computer matches required specifications.

How to Judge Broadband Providers: The thumb rule to judge broadband providers ahead of switching services is to compare their products, reliability and commitment to customer service. It may appear simple than meets the eye but judging reliability and customer care requires quite an amount of research whereas comparing different products is easier.

How to Compare Broadband Products: Here again, the thumb rule is to go by cost comparison which includes setup fees, usage charges, rentals, if any, downloading speeds (ranges from 1-8 mbps) and whether there is free night usages. Some providers package their products thrown in with 1-2 months free rentals and freebies like free emails, antivirus and anti spam etc, just to make them more attractive. The package namely BroadCall from the Utility Warehouse Discount Club is one to consider due to the pricing, package on offer and consistent glowing third party customer reviews.

Don't forget to check with neighbors when switching your broadband providers especially when you are in a new city.

The author of this article, specialises at working from home, by showing others how to achieve financial freedom. A short video presentation of a UK home based business opportunity for UK residents can be viewed at - this opportunity is not to be missed.

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